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iOS App Development Courses

Swift Fundamentals - Getting Started with App Development

Course Description

This course is the first course from the Developing Swift Fundamentals Bundle courses.

After finishing the bundle which consists of 3 courses you can apply for the “App Development with Swift certification” from Apple.


What You Will Learn

Students learn the basics of data, operators, and control flow in Swift, as well as documentation, debugging, Xcode, building and running an app, and Interface Builder. They then apply this knowledge to the guided project, Light, in which they create a simple flashlight app that lets the user tap the screen to toggle its color between black and white. Students will also define their own app idea for a specific audience.

4 days
Swift Fundamentals - Introduction to UIKit

Swift Fundamentals - Introduction to UIKit

Course Description

This course is the second course from the Developing Swift Fundamentals Bundle courses.

After finishing the bundle which consists of 3 courses you can apply for the “App Development with Swift certification” from Apple.


What You Will Learn

Students explore Swift strings, functions, structures, collections, and loops. They also learn about UIKit—the system views and controls that make up a user interface—and how to display data using Auto Layout and stack views.

5 days
Swift Fundamentals - Navigation and Workflows

Swift Fundamentals - Navigation and Workflows

Course Description

This course is the second course from the Developing Swift Fundamentals Bundle courses.

After finishing the bundle which consists of 3 courses you can apply for the “App Development with Swift certification” from Apple.


What You Will Learn

Students discover how to build simple workflows and navigation hierarchies using navigation controllers, tab bar controllers, and segues. They also examine two powerful tools in Swift: optionals and enumerations.

5 days