Advanced Cinema 4D

3 days

Course Description

In this course we will learn how to use more sophisticated tools in Cinema 4D to create complex models, better lighting, advanced texturing, more photorealistic renders and better scene optimising. We will also take a first look at Mograph, C4D's motion graphics power tools.

Who Should Attend

This course is aimed at the user who already knows his/her way around C4D, but wants to start creating more complex models, animations, and renders.


Practical working knowledge of Mac OS X or Windows. Basic working knowledge of Cinema 4D (equivalent to beginners course). A good understanding of Photoshop and Illustrator would be beneficial.

Before registering for a class, you may also take the Cinema 4D Elementary Knowledge Test:

Our online, multiple-choice quiz will test your basic knowledge of Cinema 4D. Take the Assessment Test Now

Course Outline

Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. The instructor may, at his/her discretion, adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.

Lesson 1: Intermediate

  • Lighting
  • Creating a light dome
  • GI

Lesson 2: Modeling

  • intro to poly-modeling

Lesson 3: Texturing

  • advanced materials
  • UV mapping
  • Baking materials

Lesson 4: Animation

  • Re-timing animation (time tracks, xrefs, etc)
  • Baking animation (PLA, object, motion clips)

Lesson 5: MoGraph

  • Overview (cover the method of mograph)
  • Creating clones
  • Effectors
  • Dealing with text (cloner, motex, fracture)
  • Caching / Baking
  • Dynamics

Lesson 6: Rendering

  • GI - caches, baking, still, animation
  • Physical vs. Standard
  • Compositing tags

Lesson 7: Compositing

  • External comp tags
  • Dealing with 3D data
  • Custom render layers

Lesson 8: Customizing C4D

  • Preferences vs. Scene Settings
  • Creating a custom start .c4d file